Tuesday, May 17, 2011


                      What would be my destine job when I graduate from college? Where could I find a job that is appropriate to my field? I really don’t know and I am seriously worried. Who would not be worried? In now days, I could heard everyone complaining about the large progress of unemployment, this bothered me.

It is said that 80% of the Filipino professionals would like to have a better opportunity. It is obvious that the government cannot afford to employ everyone who graduated from college and if ever you would be one of the blessed you won’t be satisfied of the salary. It is sad to say but we are one of the poorest countries in the world and my fellow Filipino would just like to support their family by having an enough salary. One option could be going abroad. I need money, and who would not be? Everyone needs money, that is why, as possible it could be we want a high salary. I and the other student are studying well to have a great future but the question is, is their really a chance for us to succeed? Yes, of course, everyone has its own unique talent. By using it well and doing it for good, no question you’ll have a great life.

Another reason that provoked some of the Filipino professionals to have a better job was that the government did not gave them enough benefits. But there are still Filipinos who would really render their time in serving other people. This makes me proud. Despite a low salary, this people would give their full time. I should be proud of it because this people are already rare in this country if mine. Other would like to develop their self better in the manner that this could give addition points to their background profession that could give possibilities in having a good job. But I could not blame them, poverty was all over the country and many of us would just like to have a good life, could eat three times a day or even more and have some leisure time.

There was an event that made me smile. A doctor studied nursing!  Yes, the doctor study nursing for a better job. Past years was a great opportunity for the nursing graduates because it is in demand all over the country. See, thats how ironic life is. They would rather study nursing than being a doctor in their mother land, not satisfied of their salary. Also, most of our country men, graduate of a professional background preferred to serve other country, by being a construction worker or a servant of the foreign families.

I can do nothing; we can do nothing for our poor government. What I and you should do is offer our abilities for the good, used it for the good and ask God for guidance and blessing.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Is it a "good news"?

May 1 is considered the Labor Day in the Philippines. Labor Day is the time that we could celebrate the importance of the people who work and gave their labor to serve the country. “There will be good news for workers on Labor Day, MalacaƱang said Tuesday.”

What was the “good news”? The main agenda of the government is to aid the current problem of the country, the oil price hike. And the persons seriously affected of this happening obviously the public vehicles, right? It was good that the government had prepared P450 million for the “Pantawid Pasada” for public vehicle drivers, fishermen and farmers, a subsidy for a month. There would be a survey if this could be good for everyone and if it works the government will try to continue the subsidy given.  It sounds good to me for our country men benefits from the government. Hopefully, there would be no unlawful agendas for the officials under the money prepared.

The government also considered a wage increase where there is a particular level that our economy can afford. Every time I open our television there would always be a group of people protesting to have a wage hike. Most of this people are obviously indigent and I could say they did not finish a higher course or got into college. I am not having a discrimination here what I am trying to say, is that this people are helplessly ignorant in the place they live, I cannot blame them. Its life, it’s the reality we are not all equal. They who did not finished education would not understand what would be the cause of wage hike. A great increase in wage of everyone could cause inflation, an increase in the supply of currency or credit relative to the availability of goods and services, resulting in higher prices and a decrease in the purchasing power of money.

I thank my economics class, because of it I learned to mingle with the government concerning our economy. Government knows what to, they have all the intelligence so we can count on them, we should not worry. We can do nothing if they corrupt us, let’s just pray and hope that they could realize what they are doing and changed for the good. Or young people of today, like me, should study well, be a good follower and someday be a great leader who would have sympathy to everyone surrounding him especially those in need.

What was important right now is that we Filipinos are still thankful even poverty never decreases because there are still good officials, even the wicked one because they also used their intelligence to respond to the everyday problem of this country. There were still people who fought for the helpless, that we are not suffering the problem of some countries like Zimbabwe which was an inflated country.

I am thankful for what I have; because of the privileged that I can study I could have a great future than others cannot that afford to do so. I can have all the knowledge I need when the time comes for me to be engaged to our country. I would understand all the aspects that would not make me ignorant, because of this I could react correctly and demand for the good.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Who is benefited?

Petroleum oil! How dare to make me suffer when I don’t deserve to suffer. It’s you who keeps on rising without knowing the feelings of the people. It’s you who killed our little hope to prosper.

The government gained P1.2 billion which came from our taxes in the month of January and February? This really means that the value of petroleum oil had gone too far. It is now much expensive that the Aquino government benefits for our Value Added Tax. Oh! it really upsets me. I was thinking if the government could just take away taxes so that the uncontrolled rising value of petroleum oil would not be that heavy for everyone.          

 It happened that I was riding on a jeep when somebody gave his fare, the Jeepney driver complained and said “The price of the fuel already risen, your payment lacks two pesos.” Before, the payment for the regular fare only cost six pesos. The guy paid the amount and murmured. “Oh God, I don’t have enough money already”. If not to that added fare the guy might use his money for his personal necessities or save that money for his coming finances. On that event, I started to feel the misery of my country as usual. We really are listed on the poor countries and becoming more poorly. I really hate heavy taxes. Who would does not hate taxes. It would be okay to have taxes if the government just used it also for the improvement or the benefit of everyone not to the distinct pockets of some corrupt official of our state! They were really crucial! Having mansions while squatter is around the Philippines!

As the World Oil’s price raised the tax collection of the government also rises. We don’t know where these taxes go or who benefits to it. There was news I heard and it was related to the article I read that the government gave subsidy or fuel assistance to the public drivers to give them support about the price hike of petroleum oil. The persons who attained the subsidy were happy for it. I don’t think the government made a good decision because the next day the oil price rises again. But I’m still happy, even that was a small amount of money, for them it was big enough to support them whose wage what already estimated for their need in a day. An increased of a peso or centavo on petroleum oil affects every person in this country and I’m one of them. It makes me sad because I am the one who budgets my allowance for a week and it was a need for me to be thrifty. From my fare, food and personal necessities all had increases its prices. Oh my! I really don’t have enough budgets for my wants.  

On the last phrase of the article, I also gain realization. The government is knowledgeable enough what to do, what am I worrying about is if there would be people who will take advantage of the happenings wherein the tax collection rise and corruption will invade.